Projects & Portfolio

This is a place where you can find other projects I've been working on, outside of the life of making videos.

I do a lot of stuff. Or rather, I want to do a lot of stuff. I have a lot of projects that I want to work on. Below, I've compiled a list of some projects I'm willing to bring to public light, along with my progress, status, motivation, and any other notes I have for them.

Like seriously, my projects spreadsheet has over 40 ongoing projects.



Everything following this section is outdated and needs to be rewritten. Feel free to explore if you're still interested.

Blogopen in new window

Occasionally, I might want to write about something. This is just a place for me to store unrelated things that I learned, or anything I want to keep, but don't have a place to keep it for.


Projects that I created, based around GitHub.

Discord Botsopen in new window

These are bots that I work on in my spare time, when I'm bored. You can find the source code for them hereopen in new window.

License Exception

Unlike most of this website's license, these bots are available under the MIT Licenseopen in new window. In essence, you may use them freely, with little limitations.